题 目:忆阻器:三生万物(Memristor: 3 generates 10,000)
主 讲 人:王智刚(Frank Z. Wang)
单 位:School of Computing, University of Kent, UK
报告时间:7月4日上午 10:30—11:30
地 点:精密仪器系4304会议室
Chua proposed an Elementary Circuit Element Quadrangle including the three classic elements(resistor, inductor and capacitor) and his formulated, named memristor as the fourth element.Based on an observation that this quadrangle may not be symmetric, Prof. Frank Wang proposed an Elementary Circuit Element Triangle, in which memristor as well as mem-capacitor andmem-inductor lead three basic element classes, respectively. An intrinsic mathematical relationship is found to support this new classification. It is believed that this triangle is concise, mathematically sound and aesthetically beautiful, compared with Chua’s quadrangle. The importance of finding a correct circuit element table is similar to that of Mendeleev’s periodic table of chemical elements in chemistry and the table of 61 elementary particles in physics, in terms of categorizing the existing elements and predicting new elements. A correct circuit element table would also request to rewrite the 20th century textbooks.
王智刚教授是英国肯特大学计算机学院的院长,肯特大学是英国顶级大学之一,其计算机学院是由女王伊丽莎白二世创办的。王教授的研究兴趣包括:忆阻器及其理论,基于忆阻器的神经网络, 未来计算, 非图灵体系结构, 大数据,云计算, 绿色计算,数据存储等。他在世界范围内多次应邀做主题演讲,包括美国普林斯顿大学,卡耐基•梅隆大学,欧洲核子研究中心,香港科技大学,台湾清华大学,印度尼赫鲁大学,希腊亚里斯多德大学以及南非约翰尼斯堡大学等。2004年他被任命为剑桥Cranfield高性能计算中心主任(由剑桥大学等出资四千万英镑建立)。王教授及其团队曾赢得ACM/IEEE 超级计算的决赛奖。2005 年王教授被选为IEEE 计算机协会英国和爱尔兰共和国分会主席,他获得过英国计算机学会的Fellow荣誉,并且是英国政府重点基金项目EPSRC e-Science 评审专家和爱尔兰科学基金(SFI)高端计算组专家。